Hi! I’m Shannon and that’s Taz, my rescue baby/sidekick. I’m a health nut and he’s nuts for treats. I’m also a Certified Hormone Specialist and plant based advocate!
I’m writing, cooking, snapping pics and doing all the creative things from the windy city of Chicago. The Glowing Fridge was sparked out of a life-changing passion for plant based eating. Most of us know that healthy food correlates with a healthy life but eating plant based goes beyond that. Plant foods beautify from the inside out. They give us that healthy glow and consistent life-giving energy. They are vibrant in color and rich in skin-loving nutrients.
Plants are where it’s at.
I was hooked on this lifestyle from the moment I decided to change my life for the better. But before you start judging me, (no really though…) read My Vegan Story after this, to see what triggered my overnight change. I haven’t looked back since that night, 5 years ago, and am continuing to follow my passion each and every day, by sharing plant things with all of you! Oh also, I wrote a book called The Happy Hormone Guide!
This lifestyle may sound extreme but if you’ve ever suffered from severe acne, then you can understand my willingness to stick with it after plant based foods basically cured my problematic skin (while also balancing my hormones, too).
So with clear radiant skin, shiny hair, regular digestion (no more bloating or parasites), consistent energy and a calm mind, it’s no surprise that more and more people these days are going vegan!Basically, I love fresh vegetables, every kind of fruit there is, and yes, even kale. I love good carbs like brown rice, quinoa and sweet potatoes. I love black beans and lentils. And AVOCADO – don’t even get me started on avocado.
More than food though – I adore all living creatures. Dogs. Cats. Cows. Pigs. Lions and tigers and bears oh… haha. Even spiders (sometimes… maybe). Prior to going vegan, I avoided knowing of the horrific life that a factory farm animal endures. Well, I didn’t want to know or think about it, is a more accurate statement but until I forced myself to learn, I never would have changed and The Glowing Fridge wouldn’t exist. While the ethical treatment of animals is one aspect of this lifestyle, I like to focus on the health aspect because the more people I can inspire to go plant based, the more animals I can help.
It’s one thing I can do to create change. I received my Hormone Specialist Certification through the Institute of Transformational Nutrition 🙂
I hope you stay a while and have a peek around! Think of TGF as a healthy resource, with tons of information and tips. Be sure to read My Vegan Story as well as my Wellness & Lifestyle blog posts, Hormone-Related blog posts, and of course, my hundreds of colorful vegan recipes!!
Also, to help you transition, I created three super helpful eBooks!!!
Check ’em out:
Anyone can manage this lifestyle by making a few tweaks to their diet and being mindful of ingredients rather than nutrition labels. Listening to our bodies and getting in tune with them is imperative to succeed at a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating plenty of plant foods at every meal can transform your life and bring you back to balance.
And more of Taz. Because he’s my everything. You can always find him snuggled up under a blanket, in his own little cocoon.