Forever 21 shirt (old, similar here or here), distressed skinny jeans (old, similar here), white faux fur pillow
Gettin cozy… matcha latte’s and all.
A few things:
Get excited!! It’s almost Friday AND I uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel. How to make a Quick & Easy Green Tea Matcha Latte. So many of you have asked questions about matcha latte’s and how to make them at home so I shared my super easy recipe that takes less than 2 minutes. So simple, so energizing, so yummy.
Matcha is a green tea superfood powder of Chinese origin that can be made into an energizing tea or used in foods while cooking and baking. One glass of matcha tea is equivalent in nutritional value and antioxidant content to 10 glasses of green tea!! Literally amazing. Get it here! The best part? You won’t crash afterward, like you can with coffee and/or caffeine and it won’t keep you up at night. YES.
Be sure to watch the video to see how I make it at home in a few simple steps!
Also, starting tomorrow (Friday), I’m implementing a new weekly series here on the blog where I answer questions you have about anything and everything! Every week! Really though, it can be about anything. From the plant based vegan lifestyle to beauty/girly stuff to cooking tips to my favorite products and home things, blogging stuff or how to find something here on the blog, even what shirt or sweater I was wearing on Snapchat…
Leave a comment below with questions or send me a private email if you want to be anonymous (email is anything goes! I’m trying to build up the community we have here on TGF so it remains a helpful resource for you guys! Plus I love reading these on other blogs because they normally answer questions I never even knew I had 🙂
Still deciding on a name for this new weekly series but I’m thinking “Coffee Chit Chat” or “Latte Babble” – something along those lines where you can grab your favorite cup of coffee or tea (or wine!) sit down, read through questions, learn something new and then respond in the comments or ask away with questions that pop up. It will be super casual, can’t wait to get started! I’ve been working on one that I’ll be sharing tomorrow, so if you have a fun series name similar to the ones I mentioned above, let me know!
Hope you are having a great week and come check back tomorrow!
Gem (breakfastandsalads)
I love matcha and often make matcha latte or oatmeal for breakfast. Gives me so much energy!
Check out my recipe here: