The day has finally come! My book is available for preorder and I couldn’t be more excited!!
I feel like I’ve been talking about this moment for a long time and while it’s not actually released until September 10th, this means we are that much closer to holding it in our hands and implementing my 4-step Happy Hormone Method, which I’ve been waiting over a year to share!!
The Happy Hormone Guide is a comprehensive, plant-based lifestyle program to help women balance their hormones, increase energy, and reduce PMS symptoms.
After struggling for years with acne, oily skin and hair, debilitating cramps, mood swings, brain fog, intense cravings, insomnia, bloating, and weight gain before my period, I developed the Happy Hormone Method through extensive research and through achieving my Hormone Specialist Certification through The Institute of Transformational Nutrition. My life changed for the better. I then made it my mission to combat hormone imbalance and promote women’s health.

The Happy Hormone Guide includes comprehensive, phase-specific (menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal) guidance including:
- Changes in fertility, libido, and basal body temperature
- Beneficial foods, micronutrients, and supplements
- Phase-specific recipes to support hormone balance
- Common changes to mood and energy levels
- Exercise tips suitable to different times of the month
- Facial recipes, hair masks, and essential oil blends
Modern culture expects women to keep up with the same demanding daily routine, but women’s cycles are anything but consistent. The Happy Hormone Guide explores the ebbs and flows of a woman’s monthly cycle and provides a holistic view of the female hormone and endocrine system so that you can take control of your cycle and improve your quality of life.
Your support would mean the world to me! I’ve put out so much free content over the past 5 years of my blogging career, and I feel like I’m just getting started. With your support, I can continue to do what I love and share all of my creative content with you.
Praise from Dr. Jolene Brighten herself!!
?A comprehensive plant-based plan for better periods, improved energy, and balanced hormones. The Happy Hormone Guide will provide you with tools and guidance to work with your natural rhythm and create incredible hormones. I’ve often found that once women understand their cyclical self they intuitively transition into eating, moving, and living in sync with their menstrual cycle. The Happy Hormone Guide will help you find your flow!?
– Dr. Jolene Brighten, Author of Beyond the Pill
Where to Buy/Preorder:
This book will be sold wherever books are sold, and is distributed by Penguin Random House. Also, it’s majorly discounted on Amazon right now!

Just ordered! Such wonderful information!
I pre-ordered my copy of The Happy Hormone Guide! Looking forward to reading it Shannon!
Yay thank you Steph, I so appreciate it!