Having “me time” everyday is imperative for anyone to stay sane, even if it’s only for a few minutes, right?!
We all have little rituals or things we do to refocus, reflect and connect with ourselves. 10 minutes of doing something that centers your mind can make the world of a difference in your attitude. It can be as simple as doing absolutely nothing and laying on the couch, cozying up and reading a book, flipping through a magazine, giving yourself a mini manicure, doing a face mask, taking a bath or working out.
For me, its all of the above and its always different, depending on how I’m feeling. I was tagged to do The “Me Time” tag by Tess from Sequins and Sunflowers so I thought this would be a nice little break from a recipe post where I can share a few questions and answers about what I like to do during “me time”.
We all need it!
What do you watch/read during me time?
I love to read/catch up on other blogs, or I watch Homeland and The Affair (my new obsession on Showtime) but my all-time guilty pleasure is the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills… or pretty much anything on Bravo, E!, Food Network, or HBO. The last book I read was #Girlboss – I need a new recommendation!
What do you wear during me time?
Something super comfy like my new soft and cozy sweater in the picture above (from Forever 21) and yoga pants + fuzzy socks or slippers. Me time is definitely a “no bra” time (!!!)
What are your me time beauty products?
I’ve been loving the MyChelle skincare products, especially their fruit enzyme cleanser and fruit enzyme scrub – all vegan and cruelty-free. They’ve been working wonders on repairing and regenerating my skin, making it so smooth and fresh! I also DIY my own face mask using bentonite clay powder, apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil. Still trying to find the perfect moisturizer (although I don’t always need to moisturize as my skin has balanced itself out pretty well) but at night I’m using a sample of the Hylunia Nightly Renewal Serum that is amazing and feels like silk! During the day I will use the Hylunia daily lotion.
I recently bought organic burst spirulina powder and am thinking about making a mask with it! Have you tried making a mask with spirulina before?
Current favorite nail polish?
This ella+mila pink polish. My new Vegan Cuts Beauty Box came with a copper nail polish from bell?pierre and also THE most amazing nail polish remover pads from La Fresh that left my nails moisturized, nourished and smelling of oranges instead of dry and nasty like regular nail polish remover will do. You must try them!
What do you eat/drink during me time?
Hmm… everything! Smoothies, juices, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, lemon water, or red wine. If I’m eating during me time it’s usually chocolate or Skinny Pop popcorn…. or tortilla chips and salsa… or hummus with fresh veggies.
Current favorite candle?
The Everyday Luxe candle in the Tahoe scent. Smells like Christmas! They also have a Pumpkin Maple Sugar scent that makes the whole house smell like a bakery.
Do you ever have outdoor me time?
In Chicago, it’s pretty chilly to hang out outside right now but I definitely love being out in the fresh warm air when I can wear sandals! Does going to Target count? Hah. I’m sure I’ll spend plenty of time outside soon to help Marty shovel snow. That is so not fun though. If I lived in a warm place, I would definitely be outside every single day for some R&R.
Would you ever go see a movie alone?
I never have but I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea. For me, it’s much more fun to go with someone though!
Favorite online shop?
So many!! Sometimes I add items in my online cart and then ex out of the tab hah, it makes me feel better. My fave shopping sites are Revolve, Asos, ShopStyle, Lulu’s, Keep, River Island, Amazon… the list goes on and on!
Anything else to add?
Me time usually involves some kind of face mask and a manicure + a pedicure if there is time, along with music, YouTube videos or a movie in the background and most likely a glass of wine if it’s appropriate! Sometimes cleaning the house counts as me time, organizing our room, sorting through my closet and ridding of old clothes. Shopping definitely counts. Watching Endless Love over and over. Snuggling up with my pups. Yoga. Anything counts! As long as it makes you feel like your happy self again.
So give yourself some me time this weekend and do whatever you please 🙂 after all, its the holidays and life can get pretty crazy during this time of year. Carve out some time for you! What kinds of things do you do during me time? I would love to know!!
I still have some shopping to do so wish me luck. I plan on wrapping, soaking up the last weekend before Christmas, drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies. I can’t believe I just typed out the last weekend before Christmas.. ah!
I just found your blog yesterday and have been going through your posts like crazy, I love it! So much good stuff! And I LOVE, just LOVE, that you talk about me-time, it’s SO important and I can’t believe it’s such a dismissed subject! I am PAINFULLY introverted, and I work in a big box retail store, so basically every minute I am not working I am recovering, and I try to make all times me-time. It can be hard on my boyfriend because when he comes home from his job sometimes I am knee-deep in some closet organizing project or gardening and can’t seem to tear myself away from it for awhile but overall he’s really good about it (and he’s a mechanic and moped collector, so there’s always something here for him to work on!). Most of my me-time is spent puttering around the house organizing and cleaning (my favoritest tip I learned from a decluttering book was to not leave any room empty-handed. There’s always something in the room you’re in that can be brought to another room! So basically it’s like real-life defragging haha) or online (I use a laptop and desktop at the same time, maximum internetting and tabbage), and a bit of gardening (I’m a rose fanatic)… But not so much the more feminine/medicinal/comfort-y self care stuff like skin care, mani/pedis, candlelit baths, yoga/stretching/self-massage, or other forms of pain management, or experimenting with healthy drinks for my stomach. I need to work on that! I get distracted easily.
Sometimes I get sucked into a series and I’ll binge watch like, a whole season in like a day or 2! Hello Grey’s! Right now I’m on s6 of Once Upon A Time.
Now that it’s summer are you spending lots of time outside in sandals? I live in a triple decker in the city (central Mass) and I’m super lucky to be friends with the other 2 floors already, so I leave my kitchen door wide open all day long for the air and energy flow, and my puttering about constantly takes me back and forth from inside to out, and I don’t have to worry about being weirded out if anyone walks by the porch and since it’s the back of the house there’s no other “traffic” so it’s pretty private back here, considering I live on a pretty busy side street of one of the most main streets in our city. I also spend every minute I’m home barefoot, so I love going out to check the plants during watering days (and cut myself some flowers while I’m at it!) and being able to stay barefoot, and zip down to the basement for laundry and go out to the garage for whatever too. Ahh!
What candles do you like burning in the warmer seasons? I adore anything having to do with ocean/beach life, so I pick candles with blue/green/white themes to their scents. I don’t care about brand name candles too much but I am pretty obsessed with that Pink Sands scent by Yankee! In the winter I go for basic vanilla/cookie/french toast smells; I dislike red hot cinnamon/apple cinnamon. Last winter I found a peppermint white chocolate scented candle and even though I don’t like peppermint the white choc part of it really helped mellow out the mint and it was actually really lovely!
I just recently experimented with that green clay mask powder you mix with ACV, it was interesting! I didn’t add TTO to mine though, that sounds really neat. I have rosacea and have read that lavender is supposed to be calming for that, so I wonder if adding that would be nice. I always forget about the existence of EOs whenever I’m making things! Speaking of EOs, do you have vanilla, and if so, where did you get yours? As I understand it, vanilla isn’t actually the same kind of oil as an EO, but close enough. I really just want it for the scent, I don’t know what kind of healing/other properties it has. I just find most EO scents to be really overwhelming, so though I want to throw them in everything because of all the great qualities they have, the strong scent alone keeps me from using them, which is a damn shame! I believe vanilla really helps temper/soften strong smells like tea tree, peppermint, and eucalyptus. What are your favorite EOs to use for whatever?
Anyway that’s enough for this novel…. !