Good morning loves!
Hope you’re having the best week. I’m currently sipping a new “Happy Hormones Smoothie” that’s coming to the blog soon – 4 different ways for each cycle phase. Can you tell I’m IN LOVE with learning about hormones?!
If you haven’t read my “Balancing Hormones” series yet, here’s Part One (the pill and tracking your cycle), Part Two (foods for each cycle phase) and Part Three (supplements)! Working on Part Four now, which is all about workouts and cycle syncing your exercise. Love, love, love it all.
Anyways… here’s all my plant based vegan noms for What I Ate Wednesday!
My morning water was this Mermaid Lemonade! Sometimes it’s lemon water, sometimes it’s good old plain water, but I won’t go without lots of water first thing… every single morning! Water is imperative for keeping my skin clear and smooth. I use this ginormous mason jar all day every day because I can measure out how much I’m drinking (I aim for 2-3 liters per day) and I’m not wasting plastic water bottles.
I also use this water filter which is a zillion times better than Brita, but any filtered water is better than tap so do what you can.
I was starved so I made a quick protein shake of 1 cup water, mixed with Vega Protein & Greens in Coconut Almond flavor and also 2 of these no-bake balls to tide me over (made with cacao powder instead of pb powder). Then I took my supplements!
Still doing no caffeine… although I cheated and had a couple cups over the weekend… eek! Don’t judge me, mmmkay? Teecino is saving me and giving me a fake caffeine fix. That or a matcha latte. I frothed it up with a splash of hazelnut So Delicious creamer and ground cinnamon (helps to balance blood sugar).
A couple hours later, I was hungry for a real breakfast, which was a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie, with greens! If you can’t tell, I’m eating for my follicular phase… (!!).
- 2 handfuls spinach
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 1/4 cup pumpkin
- 1 tablespoon chia
- 1 tablespoon ground flax
- 1 tablespoon cashew butter
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon + dash of nutmeg
- 1 cup unsweetened cashew milk
- 1/4 cup filtered water
This really held me over until lunch. The color is not orange for pumpkin pie… but I had to include some greens!
I was out and about running errands and got hungry for lunch… so I stopped at Whole Foods for a brown box 🙂 with kale, peas, broccoli and quinoa raisin salad. SO YUM.
Pre-workout snack: Cherry and Coconut yogurt jar with flax, chia and Purely Elizabeth hemp granola. All about fresh summer cherries right now…
A super simple dinner of a chopped up Spicy Black Bean Burger, lots and lots of steamed broccoli and 1/2 avocado, with sesame seed sprinkles. One of my fave dinners lately.
My major weakness are these Two-Ingredient Mini Coconut Butter Cups…. I talk about them constantly. Can’t help myself!
Plus a warm cup of Calming Magnesium Beauty Sleep Tea before bed!
Hope you enjoyed this What I Ate Wednesday!
Did you make anything yummy this week?! Leave me a comment!
Also, if you?re ever wanting to look at past ?What I Ate? posts, they?re archived under the ?What I Ate? category.
I love seeing your creations! Let me know how you liked my recipes in the comments below or snap a pic on instagram with the hashtag #theglowingfridge! I love scrolling through your creations. You can also tag me in your pics on Facebook.
I’m in love with your blog! I live in Chicago too, and went vegan a year ago… I understand the sense of purpose that you have gained. I started working on my own blog now too just to spread a little bit more vegan kindness into the world 🙂 You’re amazing! My website is not anywhere close to your amazing one! Still total work in progress. Great job on yours!