Going vegan isn’t a fad diet, it’s a lifestyle.
You may be thinking it’s too extreme or inconvenient for your busy life. Created only for the hippie-dippie liberals and animal rights extremists, right? You have bigger issues to worry about. You buy high-quality, humanely raised organic animal products as often as you can, isn’t that enough? You don’t want to live without cheese… really though, no pizza? No steak while out at a restaurant? Why would I want to live like that?
Trust me, I get it. I do. I’ve been there. Everything you feel is valid and totally normal.
The topic of food is a sensitive one, so it’s important to self-educate on nutrition and health to protect your body and follow what feels right, to you. Learn from actual books and studies like The China Study which revealed that too much animal protein is a potent trigger for cancer growth and other diseases. The protein obsession is totally misguided. Dr. Campbell also found that high levels of dairy, specifically milk, is directly correlated to osteoporosis. Milk for strong bones? Yet another false standard. After learning that we don’t need animal products to survive and they’re actually doing more harm than good, I felt betrayed. For many of us, we’ve grown up eating meat and dairy and don’t know any other way.
If you’re reading this, most likely you’re curious and slightly interested in learning more. You’ve read about the benefits of reducing animal products in your diet and getting healthy is important to you. Sometimes you wonder if there’s a difference between your dog and the animal you ate for dinner last night. How is one more superior? Meat causes enormous amounts of waste and pollution. It’s also one of the biggest causes of climate change. By refraining from animal products, you can save 100 animals every year! Plus, milk is gross if you really, REALLY think about it.
Know that you can live the healthiest and happiest life possible without animal products. You can thrive and receive all the plant protein and essential nutrients your body needs while enjoying beautifully tasty food. You’ll be able to eat more and eat in abundance until satisfied, while naturally losing weight. You can heal your skin, sleep and digestion. You can improve mental clarity and overall health. Physically, you can look healthier and feel like a new and improved younger version of yourself! You’ll have energy to workout and to cook DELICIOUSLY vibrant meals (don’t worry, desserts are not forgotten!) that satisfy and make you feel good.
The choice is, without a doubt, inspiring and can only bring positivity into your life.
Meat is high in cholesterol and saturated fat. It has no fiber and a living creature was killed for pure eating pleasure. In today’s world, there are animal-free replacements for literally everything. Veganism is becoming more mainstream as people realize there’s a healthier way to save the planet, maintain body weight AND eat to your heart’s content as long as this doesn’t mean Oreo’s and potato chips and vegan ice cream. Not to say these are off-limits at all, but eating a majority of plant based whole foods that are not processed is why this lifestyle works and why I promote it everyday.
This is not hard, it’s just different and not the norm. There’s an adjustment period that takes place but soon you’ll come to the realization that it’s not difficult, only different from what you’re used to. Buying food, preparing it and ordering out just need some minor adjustments but you can still emulate the same taste, color and texture of your favorite foods. Soon after, you will see the overall picture of your conscious choice to live the utmost healthy and peaceful non-violent life.
Living compassionately with a focus on pristine health was enticing and way too hard for me to pass up. You can read My Vegan Story for a full overview of how I went vegan overnight. Please don’t feel like you have to transition overnight. Take your time and do what works for you but keep a goal to attain the vegan lifestyle and constantly work toward it.
Aside from emotions and heartfelt love for animals, there are numerous reasons to live a vegan life! ♥
Okay, now what? Need a place to start?
For everything from how to transition to veganism, the entire process, what groceries to buy and how to cook (including 30 recipes) check out my Vegan Starter Guide.
To kickstart the detox and transition process or to feel lighter and rejuvenated, I created a 5-Day Body Balance Cleanse that gets your body back to a blissful balance!
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