WEEE! What a long time coming!!!
It feels surreal and magical and all the things!! I’ve been smiling all morning 🙂 I’m thankful for your support and motivation throughout this process! The Happy Hormone Guide would not exist without you guys and I just can’t wait for you to hold it in your hands, flip through the pages and soak it all in with me! YAYYYY!
I’m going to open up the conversation to my Happy Hormone Method, which is the ultimate plan to balance hormones and feel your best.
So be on the lookout for new content surrounding my method because it truly works! We can do it together with the help of my book!
If you haven’t bought the book yet, now’s the time!

To help more people see my book, it would mean the world to me if you left a verified Amazon review. You know how important reviews are!
So, the FIRST 100 people to send me a screenshot of their review will receive an exclusive downloadable goodie from me! It will further help you in your hormone balancing journey, and you don’t want to miss out on it!
?>>> send your screenshot to shannon@theglowingfridge.com <<<
I love you guys and be sure to tag me on instagram (@theglowingfridge) if you share the book with your family, friends and followers. I want to see it!!!

Got your book on Amazon (but it won’t let me review for some reason??) and I love it!!
I was recently diagnosed with Endometriosis and have been filled up to my eyeballs in researching this condition. It is overwhelming to say the least.
I randomly found out about the Happy Hormone guide at work, and was immediately drawn to the colorful cover and to Shannon herself. I immediately purchased the book, followed her on IG, and devoured her blog.
I’ve been reading and rereading parts every single day as I continue my health journey with endometriosis and I am so thankful that I found Shannon and her Glowing Fridge lifestyle! <3
My sister bought both of us a copy of your book. I flew through it, just finished it last night. Having already read The Woman Code in January, I feel like this is the perfect addition that and being vegan!! Thank you for writing this! I do have a question regarding exercise in each phase. Is it negatively affecting my hormones to be doing cardio in all phases? I’m training for my first half marathon. I have been trying to do the suggested workouts on my rest days for balance. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
I just bought your book yesterday & I’m excited to get it! I’ve been plant based for about 15 months now & while my actual periods have gotten a lot better, my PMS doesn’t seem like it has improved at all. Maybe even a little worse I’m hoping your book can give me more direction/advice/HELP to overcome my hormone imbalance. Thank you!
Hey! I’ve been vegan for three years and had pms symptoms like nobodies business. What helped me is taking a good sensitivity test and cutting out the foods my body was reacting badly too. Also, low to no sugar. Hope this helps! ☺️