did you know pms is not normal?
your body creates a symptom as a means of communication, to let you know when there?s a hormone imbalance. think of it as a cry-out for help, to prevent further suffering.
Often times, we write off PMS as ?normal? and just something we have to go through as women, but that?s the farthest thing from the truth. You don?t have to and shouldn?t have to suffer every month from hormonal acne, bloating, mood swings, breast tenderness, weight gain, etc. before your period.
How do your hormones get imbalanced? While your endocrine system is complex and strong, we live in a world full of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, pesticides, pollutants, processed foods, refined oils, caffeine and sugar (which seems to lurk in everything!). On top of that we?re often stressed, crazy busy and majorly sleep deprived.
this creates the perfect recipe for hormonal imbalance!
Which is why I created this ?Hormone Healing Plant Based Recipe & Lifestyle Plan?. To help young girls and women feel better, get their hormones back to balance naturally without medication, regulate their period, clear their hormonal acne-prone skin FOR GOOD, abolish PMS and feel better all around! I?ve done the research to save you time and headache and in the long run, money.
I like to think of this plan as the missing puzzle piece to women?s health; a nourishing, cyclical way of living for those who follow a plant based diet, yet want to live a healthy, hormonally balanced life for the long term, accompanied by an easy monthly cycle (it?s easier than it sounds!). By eating, exercising and living with the hormonal fluctuations of each cycle phase, your body is hormonally supported and cared for, in a different way than ever before.
- A Lesson on Hormones
- Detailed Overview of Each Cycle Phase and How to Optimize It
- 5 Major Lifestyle Components to Heal Your Hormones
- 9 Essential Skin & Hormone-Supporting Supplements
- Meal Plan Specifics
- Daily Guidelines & Reminders
- 5 Steps to Get Started
- Phase-Specific Food Lists
- Phase-Specific Recipes (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & LOTS of snack options!)
- Sweet Treat Recipes, for any phase (like Sweet Cinnamon Bombs, Freezer Fudge and yummy Caffeine-Free Lattes!)
- Different Calendars for Each Phase
Work with your body, not against it!
$34.99on sale for 29.99!
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. I?m on hormonal birth control, can I follow this plan?
So many of us go on birth control specifically for hormonal symptoms, not knowing that this pill is only putting a band aid on the underlying problem. There is no point in following my Hormone Healing program while on hormonal birth control because unfortunately, you?re not having a real period. If you are on a non-hormonal birth control (like the copper IUD) then yes, you can absolutely follow this plan!
2. Can I start this plan while transitioning off birth control?
Yes! You can start this plan while transitioning off birth control to help ease the transition, lessen your symptoms and help your body get back to balance in less time. Since the pill depletes the body of micronutrients, it?s imperative to re-build your biochemistry and flood your system with specific nutrients (magnesium, zinc and b vitamins, etc). There are different micronutrients we focus on for each phase to replenish your body! Just follow the steps in this plan, combined with the recipes, supplements and workouts and you?re well on your way to easy PMS-free periods.
3. I want to try this plan, but am scared to go off birth control. What method do you follow? What natural contraceptive options are available?
I track my cycle, cervical fluid and basal body temperature everyday (with the Daysy Fertility Monitor). So when I?m ovulating, I obviously use protection or avoid sex altogether, as ovulation is the only time during the month when we can get pregnant. It?s easier than it sounds and I love being in touch with where I am in my cycle, so I can optimize it with this plan. Otherwise, use a condom (and spermicide if you?re extra cautious)!! There are other natural ways like using a diaphragm or sponge. As long as you are smart, there is no reason to be scared, but they make us scared from a young age so we go on birth control and stay on it for years! I know, I was once on it for ten years too and when I stopped taking it, I felt like myself again.
4. I?m going through menopause? Will this help?
It wouldn?t hurt because the food is all plant based, healthy and yummy (!), but your body is transitioning away from the monthly hormonal fluctuations, so you could be more laid back with the plan and go off of how you are feeling instead.
5. Can I use this plan and come up with my own recipes, too?
This plan is meant to help you and take the guesswork out of coming up with healthy, phase-appropriate, plant based vegan recipes. I think it?s great if you want to combine this plan with your own ideas too!! (By the way, if you do, please send me a picture on instagram!! I?d love to see your creations!!) You will soon be an expert in knowing what the body wants and when. The recipe possibilities are endless!
6. I want to follow this plan, but do i have to follow the recommended foods 100% of the time?
First off, it took me about 6 months to really grasp the whole idea of eating with my hormonal fluctuations. To understand the phase-specific foods and how to integrate them takes time. I started incorporating just a few phase-appropriate foods at a time, with nothing even close to this meal plan to follow ? it was hard! That?s why I created this plan. With that being said, I know it?s near impossible to eat only the recommended foods 100% of the time, which is why you don?t have to. Life happens, parties happen, celebrations happen, and take-out happens!
So, while the majority of foods should be phase-appropriate, do the best you can by aiming for 70% or more of phase-appropriate foods. Prepare the recommended foods in a way that feels enjoyable to you. For example, if you don?t feel like turning on the oven to roast sweet potatoes in 100-degree weather, maybe grill or steam them instead. Prepare the foods in a way that makes you happy! If a cold green salad doesn?t sound appetizing in the dead of winter, add steamed or cooked veggies and/or grains to it, and make it more appealing to your palate! Eating plant based is a lifestyle, not a diet, and same goes with eating for your hormonal cycle.
7. What happens if I eat a food that?s meant for a different phase?
No worries, it?s okay if a portion of food is meant for a different phase, as long as the majority of food is specific to the phase you?re in! Being human and all, it?s impossible to stick to the recommended foods at all times, just try the best you can. You?d be surprised what the body can make do with, but we want to support it as best we can.
If I eat something on the protocol for the luteal phase but I?m in the follicular phase, nothing bad will happen, but my hormones are better supported with the recommended foods. Also, this plan syncs up with what we tend to crave, naturally. The first half of our cycles (follicular and ovulatory) include more fresh, raw and energizing foods, while the second half (luteal and menstrual phases) include more comforting, carb-heavy and grounding type foods. It all makes sense!
** After purchasing, an email will be sent within 5 minutes, with the downloadable PDF file, which can be viewed on any device. You will be sent any updates or changes I make to this plan in the future as well as bonus recipes each month! For any questions at all, please email me, I?m happy to help you on your journey! You can contact me here (or email me at theglowingfridge@gmail.com).
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