This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Evolution Fresh?. All opinions are 100% mine.
When I first started drinking green juice about 4 years ago, I made it fresh every single morning, for a year straight.
I craved it.
I loved it.
I needed it.
I was a green juice addict.
Green juice played a major role in my health and kickstarted my journey towards the plant-based lifestyle. Remembering back, there was a moment when I looked in my fridge and realized I wasn’t eating many veggies at all… sure I would eat simple salads with romaine lettuce, but kale wasn’t a trend yet. Pretty sure the only veggies I was buying at the time were baby carrots to eat with ranch and corn that you steam in a bag… my pre-vegan days.
Right around that time was when I came across Fully Raw Kristina on YouTube and she introduced me to fresh juices. They looked so refreshing and vibrant and she talked about how great they were for your skin which immediately intrigued me because as you guys know, I struggled with acne since middle school. I would give or do anything to have clear, glowing skin. Although I didn’t have the special blender Kristina had, which allows you to blend up all kinds of veggies and fruits into a smooth juice (while keeping in the nutritious pulp too), the house I was living in had a juicer.
I started juicing all kinds of veggies and fruits! Beets, apples, celery, carrots, lemon, parsley, ginger and eventually kale. After realizing the time commitment (and clean-up commitment) that a juicer requires, the high-speed blender started to look like a prized possession that I absolutely needed, if I wanted to continue down my journey of clearing up my skin.
And whaddya know, I was lucky enough to be gifted with a Blendtec a few months later, probably because it was all I could talk about. I would dream about everything I could make in it!
That was when I started blending up fresh green juice every single morning. My go-to green juice recipe had kale, cucumber, celery, apple, lemon and fresh ginger.
One year later in April of 2014, I started this blog.
I like to think green juice started it all for me.
I know not everyone has access to a Blendtec or a juicer which is why the Evolution Fresh juices (Learn more) delicious juices are a perfect option as they’re cold pressed using high-pressure processing to help protect nutrients and taste. They’re especially great if you don’t have a lot of extra time to make your own fresh juice at home. Each bottle of Evolution Fresh green juice contains over a serving of veggies (excluding Super Green and Protein Power Greens). Find out where they are available near you.
Adding in a fresh, cold-pressed green juice is a simple step that will pay off big time for your health, which improves your overall happiness.
I encourage you to ?Take a Sip in a Brighter Direction? this year. Start by making juices or smoothies healthy habits. Add them into your routine if you haven’t already done so.
I guarantee they’ll lead you to make healthier food choices throughout the day while increasing energy levels, by feeding your body the nutrients it craves.
Of course, drinking green juice is healthy and can become a healthy habit, but it’s only one aspect because health is an all-encompassing bubble with many bubbles inside, all of which are connected to one another. Sleep, activity levels, stress levels, food choices, work/life balance, self-care, relationships etc. – all aspects play a part in our overall lifestyle.
But, I truly believe it all starts with fueling and nourishing our bodies by eating real, whole foods that are clean and unprocessed – meaning no additives, preservatives, or artificial ingredients.
So start with small wins and go from there because finding a healthy balance is a daily practice that is ever-changing and requires patience! You must rely on yourself that you’ll always come back to plant-based foods (and green juice!) no matter where your health journey takes you.
Nurture your healthy habits and visualize what you want your health to look like for 2017. It’s going to be a great one!
Loved your such an inspiring and informative blog! Yes Green juice is Great for detoxification and weight loss also it enriches our body with essential healthy nutrients. Everyone should try this.